48 online webinars and live discussions were conducted with different experts and specialists in the fields of health and early detection, targeting all of the society. Each session lasted for an hour and we discussed different topics related to breast cancer, primary healthcare and preventive medicine, social and cultural barriers to health, and others. We witnessed a good interaction and engagement rates from the public, so that the questions were opened for all the participants or followers on the social media platforms.
1. “The Role of the Radiologist in Breast Care Webinar”

Within the series of scientific sessions and training carried out by JBCP, Michael J. Ulissey, MD, FACR, is a Breast Radiologist at the Centers for Diagnostic Imaging, near Seattle, presented lecture titled "The Role of the Radiologist in Breast Imaging." The lecture will discuss the traditional role of the radiologist with regard to a patient's breast care, and then show how and why the current model of breast care is and should change. The lecture was attended by 25 radiologists from different countries of the MENA.
2. “Automated Breast Ultrasound; How and Why? Webinar”

This webinar is about “Automated Breast Ultrasound; How and Why? “presented by Dr. Jocelyn Raplyea; Vice Chair of Education and the Radiology Residency Program Director at George Washington University Hospital USA.
3. “When is Breast MRI a Clinical Useful Tool? Webinar”

To continue the efforts in building the capacities of the healthcare providers in the breast imaging field, JBCP has conducted a webinar about breast MRI entitled “When is Breast MRI a Clinical Useful Tool?”, the main speaker was Prof.Pamela M. Otto who is a professor and a Chair department of radiology at UT Health San Antonio. The aim of the webinar was to familiarize the radiologists and radiographers with the implications of breast MRI and how it is useful in each case.